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Our Services


What is included in a home buyer's inspection?


           Exterior conditions / Surface Grading / Grading


           Electrical Systems


           Ventilation and Insulation

           Attics / Basements / Crawlspaces

           Foundation / Slabs / Floors / Walls / Ceilings

           Heating and Cooling Systems

           Garage / Driveway / Walkways


Certified Buyer Home Inspections

As an ASHI Certified Professional, ATD Real Estate Inspection Services has the knowledge and expertise to provide you with a comprehensive and competent visual inspection of your home, from roof to foundation. Outside the home, I will check the exterior walls, roof, driveway, deck, etc.; we will move inside to examine the walls, ceilings, floors, doors, and windows.





Certified Pre-Listing Inspections

Getting your home inspected before you sell, reveals problems ahead of time which: Make your home show better. Remove over-inflated buyer procured estimates from any future negotiations; Deter defects from becoming negotiating stumbling blocks later. 

Benefits of pre-listing inspections include:

  • Your Home Stands Out! Make your home memorable by having the inspection report available for prospective buyers to view at showings. This demonstrates transparency and confidence in the home you are selling.

  • Save Money. Have the ability to make repairs to the home on your terms! Many home inspectors will recommend a qualified professional to repair defects found in the home. If you are handy, you may be able to make those repairs yourself or hire someone on your terms, saving you money. We can even schedule a time to check items that have been repaired to update the home’s report.

  • Save Time. A buyer may choose to forego their own inspection, speeding up the time to closing.

  • Less Stress. Avoid inspection surprises after going under contract. The buyer is on a deadline to make a decision, and negotiations go back and forth. Give them less reason to withdraw from the contract based on inspection items.

New Home Build Phase Inspections

It’s important to get your new home inspected, despite your confidence in your builder. All homes have defects, even brand new constructions. Make sure you are aware of these mistakes before your house is finished and you’ve moved in.


One Year Builder's Warranty Inspections

One-Year Warranty inspections are performed thirty days prior to the expiration of the builder’s one-year new home warranty. We address any warranty related concerns you should bring to the builder’s attention. This saves you from any costly expenses you will be responsible for in the future.

Entergy Shoreline Management Boat Dock Inspections

With all of the new legal signage/regulatory requirements and concerns over condition-based shock hazards, Entergy will require all single-family "residential" facilities (boat dock, swim deck, boardwalk, etc.) to be inspected prior to transfer of permit.

Certified Professional, ATD Real Estate Inspection Services have been Certified with Entergy Shoreline Management Boat Dock Inspections and have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with a comprehensive and competent inspection.

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